Mrs. E's Collectables News Letter

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June,22 2009, Issue XV

1).The Everyday Language of White Racism (Blackwell Studies in Discourse and Culture)

2).One America in the 21st Century: The Report of President Bill Clinton's Initiative on Race

3)Jesus and Justice: Evangelicals, Race, and American Politics

(Proto)Typical White Denial:
Reflections on Racism and Uncomfortable Realities

By Tim Wise

April 2, 2008

Not long ago, after I had written an article in which I discussed white denial--the tendency for most white folks to reject the notion that racism is still a significant obstacle for people of color in the U.S.--I received an e-mail from a white man who insisted that my argument was itself racist. His reason? According to his message, simply by stating that most white folks remain in denial about the extent of racism and discrimination against people of color, I had engaged in anti-white bigotry, since I had made a generalization about a racial group: in this case, the one that both he and I share.....(Read More)

a).The Grateful Slave: The Emergence of Race in Eighteenth-Century British and American Culture


b)Fugitive Vision: Slave Image and Black Identity in Antebellum Narrative (Blacks in the Diaspora)

c)Hebrewisms of West Africa: From Nile to Niger With the Jews

d). Immigrants from Africa (Successful Americans)

e). The Curse of Ham: Race and Slavery in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modern World)

f). Let Nobody Turn Us Around: An African American Anthology
( by Manning Marable (Author)


g).Female Voices from an Ewe Dance-drumming Community in Ghana (SOAS Musicology Series)

h).Serious Barbecue: Smoke, Char, Baste, and Brush Your Way to Great Outdoor Cooking







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